Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wednesday (5/30) ~ Finding Inner Balance

Majority of our classes lately have been focused on strength and flexibility, so I thought it would be great to bring back some balance in our practice. So this week's class will be focused on finding balance - standing balances, arm balances, etc.

As always, format of the class is generally the same. Since the mandala namaskars (sequence where your backs face me) were a big hit, I may keep that sequence going. I may change it up a little to incorporate some new things, but overall, the general idea of trusting yourself and my voice is the main goal.

If there are certain balancing poses you would like to see during this class, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll be sure to incorporate them in class. As always, I look forward to seeing you all again!

My comments to this class are below. Feel free to drop me a note!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wednesday 5/23 ~ Namaskars (part 2) - Chandra Namaskar

Last week, I promised to do Moon Salutations, but due to lack of time, I was unable to squeeze it in. So this week is part deux of last week's class, which works out because last week we started with sun salutations and this week, we will end with moon salutations and elements from last week will again be incorporated into this week's. Confused yet? :)

Chandra Namaskars (moon salutations) are generally practiced in the evening before bedtime to invoke relaxation and comfort in the mind and body. During this class, we will essentially pick up where we left off last week with a similar format - warm-up, sun salutations, wave sequence, mandalas, and chandra namaskar - trust me, this will all make sense during class. Again, this will be another vigorous vinyasa practice, so bring on your energy!

Cross your fingers for good weather this weekend! See you then!

For my reflection on this class, click on the link below for "comments".

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Wednesday 5/16 ~ Here Comes the Sun (... and Moon)

One of the means of honoring the sun is through the dynamic asana sequence Surya Namaskar (better known as Sun Salutation). The Sanskrit word namaskar stems from namas, which means "to bow to" or "to adore." (The familiar phrase we use to close our yoga classes, namaste—te means "you"—also comes from this root.)

We have often practiced Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, as our warm-up sequence, and have practice numerous variations of them. During this class, we will offer our energy and attention to Sun Salutations, the numerous variations of them, and the vivacity of them. Through the middle of our practice, we will form a mandala sequence, which is a unique sequence that conduct asanas within a circle, since "mandala" is the Sanskrit work for "circle". This innovative sequence will rely on trust in ourselves and create an invigorating vinyasa flow. In addition to that, we will end our practice with Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutations) to lead us into a calming, meditative state for the rest of the evening.

Also, depending upon the weather expectations (so far, pretty nice), we will discuss about this upcoming Sunday's outdoor yoga class. See you then!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Bally's Wednesday 5/9 ~ Asana With a Twist

"Twisting Poses will help restore your spine's natural range of motion, cleanse your organs, and stimulate circulation", as the Yoga Journal states. Twisting poses can be challenging, sensational, and requires intense focus and even flexibility and strength in the core. I find that twisting poses "wring" ourselves of any toxins mentally and/or physically and brings us back to a neutral state.

Indian yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar describes twists as a "squeeze-and-soak" action: The organs are compressed during a twist, pushing out blood filled with metabolic by-products and toxins. When we release the twist, fresh blood flows in, carrying oxygen and the building blocks for tissue healing. So from the physiological standpoint, twists stimulate circulation and have a cleansing and refreshing effect on the torso organs and associated glands.

During this class, we will warm-up with some twisting asanas, followed by sun salutations, and right into our wave sequence. Throughout the waves, you will notice several twisting variations to bring attention to our core. Finally, after the wave sequence, we will follow-up with abdominal work, vinyasa flow, and some cool-down stretches.

I look forward to seeing you then!!!