Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (10/10) ~ Making Room for Development and Improvement

In order to see progression, development, and improvement in one's practice, the best way to see this is to remain consistent and dedicated in the practice. By request, the next few weeks will be focused on the same exact sequences in order for you to see progression and variation in your practice. Some days, you may notice crow pose comes easily while other days not so much. In yoga, although patience and dedication in practice offers positive results, there are days that imbalance can be prevalent.

So for these next four weeks, let's take notice of the variations in the mind and body, and of course, also take notice of the developments within the poses. What I hope to accomplish at the end of these four weeks is that each one of you will see an improvement or an attainment of a pose. So let's keep the minds open to accept where we are, but know that there is always room for improvement if not in the next four weeks, then in our lives...

See you tomorrow! Comments or suggestions prior to tomorrow's class is encouraged, because once the format/sequence is set, you're stuck with it for the next four weeks!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (10/03) ~ Proud Warriors

This week, the focus will be on the lower body with several warrior poses. Throughout the practice, we will begin by warming up, then dive right into our sequences. Towards the half-end of our practice, we will do a vinyasa flow of warrior variations to stimulate the mind and body while keeping the cardio up.

Warrior poses tend to inspire confidence, strength, and pride due to its stance and visual strength. During this practice, let's focus on building confidence within our practice and within out lives. No fear or apprehensions in taking the next move, but rather, just focus on the present and take the next steps confidently...

Related suggestions for poses are welcomed! Please send me an e-mail or leave me a comment. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!