Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This Week - Preppin' for Handstand ... to be continued

To continue with our practice last week, we will resume with the same sequence and work up towards a handstand modification. Last week, everything was introduced and fairly new so some time was dedicated to learning the pose. This week, as we become more familiar with the poses, I have decided to keep the same sequence and allow us a chance to work towards a handstand, and perhaps even the full handstand.

As some of you may already know, handstands are not easy and requires immense balance and focus as well as upper-body and shoulder strength. Even more, it requires courage and confidence, because some of us are ready for the pose, but the one last element necessary to full achieve it is confidence.

During this practice, let's focus on the poses we found most challenging last week and work on those, while building confidence for the handstand.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (11/7) ~ Preparing for Handstands

So this commences a new practice after a 4-week long program. After a request, we will work on progressing into a handstand, but during this class, we will focus more on the modifications and poses that work up towards the full handstand. A full handstand is a rather advanced pose and requires a very steady, dedicated practice for numerous years before the pose can be mastered. Therefore, this practice will give you a sense of what the full handstand is all about, and when ready, we can work up towards a full handstand someday.

As for handstands, there is a great focus on the shoulders and arm strength, so during this class, we will focus on building upper body strength, but also balance our practice out by incorporating the lower half into the practice.

Depending on your reactions to a consistent practice for several weeks, we may stick with the same sequence for another week to review our progress. Feedback is key, so let me know what your thoughts are on maintaining a consistent sequence for a few weeks...

Any questions prior to class, please let me know. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Enjoy your day!