Monday, April 30, 2007

Bally's Wednesday 5/2 ~ Drop and Give me Chaturangas!

All too often, I have noticed improper chaturangas in yoga classes everywhere. Don't get me wrong, it is certainly a difficult pose and I find myself panting while cuing and doing the pose all at once. I have also learned that with chaturangas, to simplify them, we must learn how to do them properly, and if we have not yet gained the strength to practice them correctly, then we need to learn to accept where we are today and work with the modifications.

During this class, we will work on "perfecting" our chaturangas by working on poses that strengthen, stretch, and tone our upper body and arms, as well as bring attention to the extension of energy from the crown of our heads to our heels in chaturanga dandasana. A vinyasa class incorporates a tremendous amount of chaturangas with the flows in between in each wave sequence; therefore, it is imperative that we learn to perform these correctly. Our wrists and shoulders will love us for it!

Don't forget to check back after class for comments and thoughts on this session!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Bally's Wednesday 4/25 ~ Warriors on a Mission

Often times, I have noticed that we (including myself) do not fully carry out warrior poses to its utmost potential. Most times, they are half-carried through with minimal focus on the front bent knee and rarely any attention to the back foot. Due to this lack of focus, warrior poses can appear to be "easy" and meaningless addition to your practice.

During this class, we will discuss the proper way to carry out warrior poses (virabhadrasana 1, 2, and 3) and introduce various modifications for each, so make sure you bring your warrior faces on! :)

Hope to see you then!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Bally's Wednesday 4/18 ~ Shoulder Strengthener and Opener

So I'm back from the training and with more energy, knowledge, and inspiration than ever! During in class, I will incorporate some new poses and variations I have learned without trying to deviate from my current style too much. There will still be a theme for each class, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Shiva creates themes for her class as well!

This Wednesday's class will be focused on strengthening and opening our shoulders. We will begin with some warm-up poses through Sun Salutations and variations of Sun Salutations. It will then be followed by poses that will work towards Pincha Mayurasana (right). We may not kick our legs up into the full inversion, but we will definitely work towards it.

I am so excited to be back and cannot wait to see all of you again!!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Bally's Wednesday 4/04 ~ Bending it Backwards

Most people dread backbends because it is creates immense discomfort, but also requires tremendous stamina and focus. However, backbends, though discomforting the first few times we practice it, can provide a great deal of relief to any tension and ongoing pains we get in our lower backs. Furthermore, backbends ignite the heart chakra by opening the chest and our hearts allowing ourselves to open to greater self-acceptance of ourselves and others.
For this class, we will be working towards backbending poses which will allow us to acknowledge the sensations and freedom these poses inspire.

I'm thinking of bringing back sun salutations, what do you think? :)

See you on Wednesday! As always, bring your positive energy, enthusiastic dedication, and smiles to class...