Monday, July 23, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (7/25) - "Untie Physical and Psychological Knots" Through Twisting Poses

Recently, I stumbled across an interesting outlook on twisting poses, so it has inspired me to create a theme around twisting asanas this week.

Roger Cole, a certified Iyengar yoga instructor wrote the following in Yoga Journal Magazine about twisting asanas:

"If your masseuse, your shrink, and your yoga teacher ever got together, they'd surely agree that you need twists. Your masseuse knows that your back muscles are tighter than the strings on a soprano ukulele; your shrink knows that half your tension comes from stress. And your teacher knows that twisting poses are often the best way to untie both physical and psychological knots.

Forward bends, side bends, and backbends bring relief, but twists really get to the core of your tension. Only twists can effectively stretch the deepest layer of back muscles: the small ones closest to your spine. The more you practice twists, the more you realize they don't just release tightness; they also dissipate the frustration, anxiety, or fear that's often behind physical tension. On many levels, twisting is more about what you let go of than what you accomplish."

So this week, let's focus on just that! Throughout our practice, I will incorporate several twisting poses and variations of poses with a twisting modification. So as mentioned last week, of the three elements - cardio, strength, and flexibility - flexibility will play a key role in twisting asanas. That's not to say cardio and strength will not, but the dominating factor this class will be flexibility. If you have a yoga strap at home, I would encourage you to bring it to class. There are a few straps in the classroom if you need one and do not own one.

Lastly, twisting poses go hand-in-hand with core strengtheners, so after savasana, I will dedicate 15 minutes after class towards abdominal work. You are more than welcome to join me!

If you have any questions or concerns prior to this class, please send me an e-mail. Also any twisting poses you would like to work on during this class, please offer up suggestions. I look forward to seeing you again this week. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (7/18) ~ Salutations in Many Flavors

The vinyasa style of yoga encompasses three different elements -- cardio, strength, and flexibility. In every practice, I try to incorporate all these elements with some classes dominated on a certain element more than others; however, I try to keep it as balanced as possible within my one-hour limit.

Last week, with the focus on lower body, the dominant element was strength. This week, we will bring attention to the cardio element elevating our heart rates throughout the practice with a series of salutations. Towards the end of class, we'll begin to cool down with some final stretches and perhaps even some inversions.

If you have any suggestions for this class, I invite you to offer them up by sending me an e-mail or leaving a comment prior to class. Or bring suggestions with you during class and we can incorporate them throughout the practice.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all, and bring your energy, water, towel, lucky mat -- whatever that gets you through practice!!! It was also mentioned last week we may be heading out for drinks after class, so if you are interested, you're more than welcome to join. It will most likely be after class at some bar/restaurant nearby. Hope to see you then!!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Finding Equilibrium Through Standing Balances

Welcome back everyone from a long week without yoga!

This week, our focus will be on standing balances to strengthen the lower body muscles, specifically quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. In addition to strengthening the lower body, standing balancing poses requires immense focus, mental stability, and of course, a great sense of humor!

Before we dive into standing balancing poses, we will of course warm-up with several vinyasa sequences. Finally, we will end the class with some hamstring and quad stretches. If you have any questions, concerns, or even pose suggestions for this class, please offer them up!

I look forward to seeing you all again. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!