Monday, September 24, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (9/26) ~ Droppin' it Like It's HOT! :)

This week's focus will be on opening up hips and lengthening/stretching the lower half of our body. Of course, as yoga is all about balance, we will even it out with some upper body focus as well.

If everyone was comfortable with the heat of last week, I will keep the room temperature around the same. If anyone is at all uncomfortable with the heat from last week's class, please leave me an anonymous comment. Since last week was less of a vinyasa practice, the heat was much higher; therefore, this practice, bringing back some vinyasa elements, the heat will be higher than normal, but not as intense as last week's. I definitely feel that heat adds an element to a class and brings the practice to a whole other level, so I would like to continue with that (at least temporarily, as the weather gets cooler). Any objections to that, please feel free to let me know. These classes are made for you, not me, so it is up to you to let me know if something does not feel right.

To end our practice, we'll do some sun salutations, but adding an interesting twist - you'll be surprised. You know I love experimenting, so keep the feedback coming! If you would like to see a class theme we practiced a while back, let me know! They're all recorded here, so feel free to scroll back in time and see how much we've accomplished!

See you Wednesday!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (9/19) ~ Back to Where It All Started

Every now and then, it is always good to look back and see how far we have advanced in our practice; plus, it also helps to tone it down a bit after several weeks of intense practice. Therefore, this week, we will bring it back to basics in restorative poses. As I understand some of you really enjoy the challenge of this class, so of course, there will be several modifications. In any case, it is important to let the body and muscles heal from intense workout, and ground ourselves back to where it all started.

I haven't started planning for the practice yet, so if you have suggestions in regards to anything, please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail. I look forward to seeing all of you Wednesday!

See my comments below! Share your comments as well!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (9/12) ~ Backbends - Embracing Change Pt. 4/4

To continue with the chest and shoulder openers of last week, we will be focusing on backbends this week. This is will be the last of a four part series of "breaking routine" and embracing change. As you already know, the entire class will not be comprised of backbends, but with several poses sprinkled throughout our practice.

Towards the end of our practice, we will continue with the 10-15 mins. salutations again, and this will conclude the 4 part series, concluding in a full hour of just salutations. For those of you who loved that sequence, then you'll be excited to see it back, but for those are have had enough of it, it will soon be over.

Please let me know what your thoughts are on the sequences lately. Are you itchin' to get the wave sequences back? Let me know! See you tomorrow!

See my comments for tonight's class below... and feel free to add yours as well...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wednesday Yoga (9/5) ~ Embracing Change Part 3 - Opening the Heart

During this practice, we will practice embracing change -- whether it be changes in life, breaking routines, or even changes in our yoga practice. The last three classes, the format of our practice has shifted to something new, and the feedback I have received has been positive.

To continue with the theme of embracing change, I will continue with a practice format that will surprise you all. Although the format will change, there will still remain a focus and that is on opening our hearts to embrace change. Our practice will be focused on chest openers, which in turn opens tight shoulders.

Any suggestion/feedback prior to class is much appreciated as I am still preparing for the class. If you liked the 15 minute sun salutations we have been incorporating in our practice the last two weeks, please let me know! I may include it into our practice, but am unsure if I may be going overboard, so any thoughts/suggestions are very much appreciated!

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow evening!