Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This Week - Preppin' for Handstand ... to be continued

To continue with our practice last week, we will resume with the same sequence and work up towards a handstand modification. Last week, everything was introduced and fairly new so some time was dedicated to learning the pose. This week, as we become more familiar with the poses, I have decided to keep the same sequence and allow us a chance to work towards a handstand, and perhaps even the full handstand.

As some of you may already know, handstands are not easy and requires immense balance and focus as well as upper-body and shoulder strength. Even more, it requires courage and confidence, because some of us are ready for the pose, but the one last element necessary to full achieve it is confidence.

During this practice, let's focus on the poses we found most challenging last week and work on those, while building confidence for the handstand.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

1 comment:

sammi said...

Tonight was class 3/3 of Handstands, and after 3 weeks of preparing, most of us became comfortable with handstands and learning how to get into them properly. Some of us even went full out with legs fully extended. Due to the limited amount of time left at the end of class, we will continue working on handstands next week. I will make sure to dedicate sufficient time (I promise) to work on handstands again.

For the past two months or so, we have been keeping a consistent theme for several week. I am interested to hear feedback on such a method. How are you finding the consistent sequence working for you week in and out? Let me know, and if you have any suggestions, you know I'm always up for experimenting!

Thanks again for coming out to yoga every week. It is the only time where you are doing something for yourself, so really savor the hour (and then some). As always, you all continue to inspire me each and every week. If you ever have any feedback or anything yoga-related, please share...

I will keep you posted on Sunday's class. I'll inform you via email, and if I don't have your email, you can find out here on my website. Thanks for checking in so often!!!